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Unlocking lost revenue with ad-filtering users

Earning back lost revenue is possible for publishers through reaching ad-blocking or ad-filtering users with Acceptable Ads.
What do users think about ads in 2021?

What do users think about ads in 2021?

As users play a huge role in the success of advertising, we pulled together stats to o shed some light on what users think user about four different ad types.

Future of ad blocking and advertising post covid19
Ad Blocking

The future of advertising and ad blocking

Advertisers who want to recoup the losses from COVID19 have to be creative and smart. Here are some predictions for the future of advertising and ad blocking.


The power of users: AdTech and the GameStop affair

As the story of a video game retailer’s soaring stock price sparked the attention of the American financial market, many from the ad tech community drew parallels between the two. What are the similarities?