What ads are acceptable?
Ads that have been identified as acceptable are those that abide by criteria specially developed for and by ad-filtering users. They are respectful, nonintrusive and relevant.
More than 350 million ad-blocking users are open to seeing Acceptable Ads.
Without using Acceptable Ads
It’s clear that overwhelming amounts of poor-quality online advertising exist. This disrupts user experience and leads to millions of users installing ad blockers.
Users are frustrated, advertisers miss out on an important audience, and publishers fall short on advertising revenue. In this scenario, everyone loses.
With Acceptable Ads
Acceptable Ads offers a sustainable and fair middle ground between user choice and monetization. The Acceptable Ads standard is defined with users in mind.
This helps provide noninvasive ad formats that they are happy to see, allowing publishers to increase their advertising revenue. Everyone wins.
The Timeline
eyeo, the company behind Adblock Plus, is founded. Acceptable Ads is born.
The original criteria of Acceptable Ads is developed by eyeo and the Adblock Plus community. By working together, both parties create a standard for better ads that benefits both users and advertisers.
The Acceptable Ads Committee releases the mobile criteria for Acceptable Ads based on a study by an independent research company.
The Acceptable Ads Committee turns its attention to video ads and more.